Current Projects
Pan Borneo Highway
Roadwork (Subbase and Roadbase)
Bau Section (CH 48.7 to CH 68.0)
Demolition, Site clearance, Earthworks, Geotechinical work and drainage works
Lundu Section (CH 0 – CH 48.700)
Demolition, Site clearance, Earthworks, Geotechinical work and drainage works
Completed Projects
The Proposed Construction and Completion of Kuantan Port Expansion External Infrastructure Works for ECERDC
Supply and delivery of earth, Site clearing and earthworks
Ecohill 2
Site clerance, Earthwork & Associated infrastructure for Precinct 5, 6, & 7
Privatisation of Lebuhraya Persisiran Pantan Barat Taiping
Site clearance and earthworks, Additional Works
West Coast Expressway Section 10 Mainline Works
Working closely with the client to understand their business